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Interference Analysis of Downlink WiMAX System in Vicinity of UWB System at 3.5GHz
The radio access technologies also presents the Coexistence issues between UWB and WiMAX systems at 3.5GHz frequency band which has been recently attained more attention. For investigating the potential interference of ultra-wideband (UWB) on a WiMAX system, an analysis method based on the physical layer modeling is presented. Multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplex (MB-OFDM) UWB and WiMAX systems were both set up based on the physical specifications of the system. So to evaluate the performance of WiMAX downlink system in vicinity of UWB system. The study is achieved via simulating on matlab which utilizes both WiMAX and UWB appliances. From the simulation results, it can be found that WiMAX system is largely affected by the UWB interference. However, in order to overcome the interference problem and achieve reasonable BER (Bit Error Rate) of 10-4, it was found that it is very necessary to raise the WiMAX transmitted power in relative to that of UWB interferer. So, the minimum Requirements for WiMAX system to overcome UWB interference are stated here in this.
Manish Patel, K. Anusudha
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