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Internet of Things based and FACE based Authentication using RASPBERRY-PI on Open-Source Platform
The Internet of things (IoT) is a system of web associated objects ready to gather and trade information utilizing implanted sensors. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an arrangement of interrelated registering gadgets, mechanical and advanced machines, articles, creatures or individuals that are given exceptional identifiers and the capacity to exchange information over a system without obliging human-to-human or human-to-PC connection. More than 12 billion gadgets are as of now associated with the Internet of Things—and by 2020, that number could surge to 30 billion. In this paper, we proposed an Internet of Things based surveillance system that offers authentication to person by using Local Binary Pattern (LBP) face acknowledgment methodology on to the captured image/Video of person by Pi Camera which is connected with Raspberry Pi board. When the person/Object enters in the region of interest, Pi camera captures Image/Video and sends to the Pi System which then applies the LBP methodology to extracts face features and Compares with dataset to give authentication to that Person and further sends Push notification on to android phone through SMS, and Via Email.