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Research Article Open Access

Intertester and Intratester Reliability and Validity of Measures of Innominate Bone Inclination in Standing Using PELVIN®TM


Determination of innominate bone inclination in standing is frequently assessed in postural analysis of subjects. Currently, no goniometer for objective assessment of innominate bone inclination in standing is commercially available in India. The purpose of this study is to determine the intra-tester and inter-tester reliability and validity of measures taken with a pelvic inclinometer designed indigenously. This study was conducted to determine the intratester and inter-tester reliability and validity of measures taken with a pelvic inclinometer designed indigenously. Pelvic Inclination Angle was measured bilaterally using X-ray and Clinical methods. The intraclass correlation coefficient (KC) for repeated measures of the pelvic inclinometer fixed to a mechanical stand was 0.99. The intertester reliability of using the pelvic inclinometer to determine inclination was ICC = 0.99. In measures of 90 subjects by two testers, the Cronbach’s Alpha for intertester reliability was 0.99 and the lCCs for intratester measures was 0.99. Measures by the inclinometer had a high degree of reliability compared with the criterion x-ray measure, ICC= 0.99. Pelvic inclination angle recorded by Pelvin®TM which is indigenously designed pelvic inclinometer is highly reliable and valid to use clinically. Measurement of the inclination of both left and right innominate bones of a subject required only 2 minutes, indicating clinical applicability

Dr.Shivani Chowdhury Salian, Dr. Sujata Yardi