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Intrusion Detection System to Detect Malicious Misbehaviour Nodes in Manet
Mobile Computing is a technology that allows users with portable computers still have network connections while they move. In Mobile computing, mobility and scalability should be possible in many applications. Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) is one of the most important and unique applications. In MANET infrastructure does not need a fixed network. Every node act as a transmitter and receiver. Communication occurs within their same communication range only, and communicates directly each other. Otherwise, they should relay on their neighbors to send relay messages. In open medium and wide distribution of nodes make MANET vulnerable to malicious attackers. A new instruction-detection system named Enhanced Adaptive ACKnowledgment (EAACK) specially designed for MANETs. In existing system RSA and Digital Signature are used. In this paper to reduce the network overhead caused by digital signature by using AES public key cryptography system and AODV routing protocol. To develop efficient instruction-detection mechanisms, protect MANET from attacks. It detects malicious misbehavior nodes more efficiently.
M.Vijay, R.Sujatha
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