ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)

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Research Article Open Access

Investigations on Decentralized Access Control Strategies for Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored In Clouds


This paper details about various methods prevailing in literature of anonymous authentication mechanisms for data stored in clouds. It is a Decentralized access of system in which every system have the access control of data . The Cloud which is a Secured storage area where the anonymous authentication is used, so that only the permitted users can be accessed. Decrypting of data can be viewed only by a valid users and can also stored information only by Valid users. This Scheme prevents Replay attack which mean Eaves Dropping can be avoided, Support Creation of data inside storage, Modifying the data by unknown users , and Reading data stored in Cloud. User can revocate the data only by addressing through the cloud. The authentication and accessing the Cloud is Robust, Hence Overall Communication Storage are been developed by comparing to the Centralized approaches. This paper would promote a lot of research in the area of Anonymous Authentication.

J.Ganeshkumar, N.Rajesh, J.Elavarasan, Prof.M.Sarmila and Prof.S.Balamurugan

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