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IoT based Smart Irrigation and Tank Monitoring System
The Indian economy is based on agriculture - about 70% of its population depends on agriculture and it contributes to 1/3rd of the national income. Yet, being a country which has the capacity to produce three crops in a year, the ceaseless cases of farmer suicides has become an ignominious fact. The development of agriculture has much to do with the economic welfare of the country.Indian monsoon being erratic in nature, there is irregularity in the distribution of rainfall throughout the year. The irrigation system helps the farmers to have less dependency on rain water. Balanced irrigation has been considered essential for optimal development of crops. Superfluous irrigation leaches nutritive elements of the soil as water seeps down due to gravitational force of the earth. It also causes water logging. Similarly, scant irrigation can be harmful as water does not reach the lithosphere. Irrigation practices in India need constant monitoring. This paper focuses on reducing the water wastage by using smart irrigation. It discusses how Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to achieve optimal irrigation by continuously monitoring the water level. It also discusses how water supply can be maintained using the proposed mobile application.