E- ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P- ISSN: 2347 - 2286
Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from Day Flower of Commellina benghalensis
Objective: Endophytes are nothing but microflora of plant. Each plant has its own endophytic flora.C. benghalensis is weed. Day flower is unique feature of Commelina benghalensis. Which is relatively difficult to control by herbicide? So, objective of this work is to isolate and identify endophytic bacteria from dayflower of Commelina benghalensis and finding role of entophyte in herbicide resistivity.
Methods: The plant of C. benghalensis was collected from nearby Solapur area and re-cultivated in college botanical garden. Dayflowers were collected from underground roots of C. benghalensis. Separated dayflowers were brought in laboratory and wash thoroughly by tap water. Surface sterilization was carried out by 70% alcohol, Tween 20, Sodium hypochloride and distilled water. Each dayflower was cut into two pieces from its central axis. These two cut pieces were separately inoculated on nutrient agar medium (cut portion facing toward medium) and incubate for 24 hours at 37°C.
Result: After 24 hours of incubation, white bacterial growth was observed on nutrient agar medium exactly near surrounding area of cut portion of dayflower. Colonies were isolated and used for further biochemical tests.The Biochemical tests were performed on Vitek 2 biomérieux vitek 2 systems by using the identification software PIBWIN Version 2.0.0. On the basis of analysis of this system, it is finalized that the isolated bacterial strain was Micrococcusspp.
Conclusion: This resistivity to herbicides might be due to presence of micrococcus spp. in its dayflower. Because, Micrococcus actively participate in catabolic reactions by utilizing a wide range of unusual substrate like herbicides, pyridine, oil and chlorinated biphenyls.
Archana S Injal, Tejaswini C Mendke, Tara N Matnale, Somnath Kshirsagar
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