E- ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P- ISSN: 2347 - 2286
Isolation of Micro-Organism from Currency from Various Sources
As we all know that we cannot see microorganism like bacteria, fungi etc., with our naked eye will be transmitted from one and other from various sources, it may be food, water, work place, relationships, business. In today’s generation money has the most important place in their life, through which many of the micro-organisms have transmitted from one other, in many of the places the mostly like tea stalls, street food, buses, railways, etc., the bacteria, fungi rods, round there which will be transferred from one place to other. For the laboratory research, the currency was collected from various sources, where like bus conductor, tea stall person, railway staff, and some of the street food -store people into a sterilized polythene bags and stored at room temperature.
Praveen B
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