ISSN: 2319-9865
Juxtaposition study of BT and CT in distinct blood group between Injured He and She
HE and SHE stand for male and female. CT and BT assess of haemostatic mechanism. Both are very importance before initiating any surgery. Blood group plays a vital function in the field of transfusion medicine, forensic pathology and genetically determined.”waterfall”and“cascade”theories-blood coagulation, fundamental principle of cascade of proenzymes leading to activation of downstream enzymes deals with arrest of bleeding, Haemostasis deals with stop of blood and thrombohaemmorhagic balance is controlled in the body by complicated interations between coagulation and the fibrinolytic system as well as platelets and vessel wall. BT and CT is increased in female due to presence of estrogens and reduce the activity of platelets. BT is decreased in male due to increased activation and aggregation of platelets. CT is also increased in female due to increased estrogen which prolongs clotting time and decreases plasma fibrinogen level in blood. A group of 300 volunteers between the age of 18 and 32 years was taken for comparison study, at the department of physiology. Differences were statistically significant and no significant difference was observed in BT and CT in Rh+ve and Rh-ve blood group. The difference in O blood group and non O blood group was also not significant. The bleeding time was determined by Duke’s method and clotting time was determined by capillary tube method. Data were analyzed using software and comparison study of mean bleeding and clotting time between males and females was completed by unpaired test. Normal BT is between 2-6 minutes and CT is between 3-8 minutes.
Ravi Kumar V* Vineeta Prakash, Yashwant Giri, Randheer Gupta and Deepak Kumar
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