ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Keyed Intrusion Detection System for KeyRecovery Attacks
With the anomaly detection systems, many techniques and approaches have been developed to track novel attacks on the systems. Anomaly detection systems used many algorithms and predefine rules; it’s impossible to define all rules and algorithm and also once algorithm is known to attacker then new attack is created for same. To overcome this issue various machine learning schemes have been developed. One of such scheme is KIDS (Keyed Intrusion Detection System) which is depends on method used to generate KEY and secrecy of the KEY. Problem with KIDS is that attacker easily able to get key after grey box attack or black box attack. Hence improvement in KIDS system is required to provide more security with this attacks .Proposed system provides more security under both this attacks and also protect stored data. Proposed scheme can used to save data of various domains in cloud storage like for healthcare domain user can save the patient data. With the anomaly detection systems, many techniques and approaches have been developed to track novel attacks on the systems. Anomaly detection systems used many algorithms and predefine rules; it’s impossible to define all rules and algorithm and also once algorithm is known to attacker then new attack is created for same. To overcome this issue various machine learning schemes have been developed. One of the such scheme is KIDS (Keyed Intrusion Detection System) which is depends on method used to generate KEY and secrecy of the KEY. Problem with KIDS is that attacker easily able to get key after grey box attack or black box attack. Hence improvement in KIDS system is required to provide more security with this attacks .Proposed system provides more security under both this attacks and also protect stored data. Proposed scheme can used to save data of various domains in cloud storage like for healthcare domain user can save the patient data.
Dipali R. Patil, Prof. Vina M. Lomte
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