Lateral Violence through the Eyes of Male Nurses
Lateral or horizontal violence is a significant problem for the nursing profession and healthcare organizations. For this study, lateral violence is defined as nurse-to-nurse aggression expressed by both covert and overt behaviors. While there are a plethora of studies of lateral violence involving female nurses, there are dearths of studies exploring this phenomenon among male nurses. The purpose of this study was to explore male nurses’ lived experiences with lateral violence in the workplace. Social role theory was the guiding theoretical framework for the study as it helped to explain the unique challenges men face in nursing, a traditionally female profession. Using a phenomenological design fifteen participants were interviewed for this study. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi’s method and NVivo 11 software package with four themes emerging: (a) Experiencing lateral violence in a variety of ways, (b) Lacking organizational support, (c) Reacting to lateral violence, and (d) Effects of lateral violence. Additionally, behaviors described by male nurses as lateral violence were identified.
Josephine Rachel Bouret* and Anne Liners Brett
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