ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
Line-Line Fault Detection in Solar Photovoltaic Arrays
The 21st century is witnessing a rapid growth in the electrical energy demand due to rise in a large number of electrical gadgets. The conventional sources of energy, which are reliably supplying the energy, are rapidly depleting and the crisis is not near. Therefore, the lookout of non-conventional sources of energy is still on, particularly, the one which can perfectly replace these conventional energy sources. Solar energy is a reliable option, but it also suffers from certain drawbacks such as low power-rating, high cost, low reliability, etc. The low reliability is due to the possibility of fault being hidden in the solar PV array, reducing its lifetime and efficiency as well. This paper discusses the scenarios in which fault may remain hidden, and, also tries to propose some methods to detect and remove such faults in a better and efficient manner. There are quite a few methods available for detection of such hidden faults, which have been discussed in detail in the earlier papers, like Decision Tree-based Fault Detection, Outlier Detection, Use of PV circuit simulation, Output voltage and current detection method, Infrared imaging, etc.
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