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Literature Survey on Mobile Q&A System in the Cloud Based Environment
Social search engines like Google, Bing answer factual questions but the recent research efforts have been focused on the social based question and answer (Q&A) system which resolves non-factual questions. The (Q&A) system cannot be resolved by a web search engines and does not depend on the centralized server or broadcasting methods in order to identify friends based on social network. Hence in the mobile Q&A system mobile nodes are accessed through internet however it cannot directly use centralized or broadcasting methods because generates high server bandwidth cost, node overload, and high cost of mobile internet access. Later they propose a new method called Distributed Social- Based Mobile Q&A system (SOS) which gives quick response to the asker. In decentralized manner SOS enables mobile user to forward question and to get potential and efficient answerers. SOS is the engineering techniques of light weighted knowledge used to find accurately the person who are and willing to answer questions, thus reduce searching time and computational cost of mobile nodes. In this survey paper we compare various research parameters for social based Question & Answer system.
D.Aravind Gosh, Dr.C.Nalini
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