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Research Article Open Access

Load Balancing and Maintaining the Qos on Cloud Partitioning For the Public Cloud


:The load balancing in the cloud architecture is a important performance for the cloud environment. The advanced and prior load balancing will provided tremendous advantages to the cloud users. In case of a client server architecture still the architecture need some improvements. The improvements basically need the query based wireless sensor networks. The main objective of our project is to develop a query-based wireless sensor systems, where a user would issue a query and expect a response to be returned within the deadline.In addition to this, we also develop an adaptive fault-tolerant quality of service control methods which is based on hop-by-hop data delivery utilizing “source” and “path” redundancy, with the goal to satisfy application of QoS requirements which prolongs the lifetime of the sensor system . This project explains about the better architecture of the cloud switching in different mechanism and also effectively balances the load with Q OS and query aggregation process.

S.Karthika, T.Lavanya, G.Gokila,A.Arunraja S.Sarumathi, S.Saravanakumar, A.Gokilavani

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