ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Location Based Multicast Addressing Protocol Using Markov Chain for Manet
An ad hoc network is a self configuring infrastructure less network of mobile devices connected by wireless. It uses peer-to-peer multi hop routing instead of a static network infrastructure to provide network connectivity. Neither preexisting infrastructure nor centralized administration function is required and thus self-organization and adaptation are important properties .The routers are free to move randomly and the wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. In MANET, there is no distinction between a host node and a router and all nodes can be source plus forwarders of traffic. In addition, every MANET mechanism can be used in mobile, such as communications for the armed forces or in tragedy revitalization circumstances when all infrastructures are down. This also decreases the power dependency usually associated with the server and client architecture while increasing the mobility of the network. Mobile ad-hoc networks have led to grouping of network location based multicast addressing (LMA) to build content and context based routing. Content-based publish-subscribe models make it very appealing for dynamic wireless networks that often occur in pervasive computing scenarios. In this model, middleware do not fit the requirements, as the network is subject to frequent topological reconfigurations due to mobility of the nodes. The algorithm based on hybrid strategies (Message Centric strategy and Query Centric strategy) broadcast both the messages and queries but only use half the distance of their respective spaces. There are instances where the packet redundancy occurs on these nodes. In this project, we propose an automatic feedback control algorithm, where the packet dispatching at its source and the packet receiving at its destination as Markov chains characterize the service rate adaption between the source and destination of a flow. We first develop a general theoretical framework to depict the complicated packet delivery process in the challenging MANET environment.
V.Dhanalakshmi V.Subathra Dr. S. Mangai
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