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Research Article Open Access

Maintaining Integrity and Security for the Data Shared in the Cloud


Cloud computing platform provides global sharing and accessing of resources. Cloud offers data storage and sharing facilities that provides better scalability. Apart from the advantages offered by Cloud, it also finds difficulties in maintaining the integrity and security for the shared data. Public auditing is a mechanism by which the integrity of data could be maintained so that the correctness of data could be verified thereafter. Even if the system could assure data correctness, there may be chances of some security threats. Security must be established for the data shared and one who shares it. So, for that a new form of signing method is to be developed for sharing the data to Cloud, which could verify whether the data is shared by an authenticated user or not. In this paper, we discuss about a system that helps to verify the integrity of data and also to make sure that, signatures are made by an authenticated signer.

Gayathri Dili, Anu V.R

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