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Manipulating Diabetes by Mooting Blood Clott Time Parameter
Diabetes is the biggest health challenge in the 21st century. It is the major cause of blindness, obesity, ageing, heart disease, stroke, amputations and renal failure in the world. Although at present, the widely used method of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) involves determination of blood glucose concentration, with specific devices using chemical analysis of blood samples taken by puncturing the finger. These methods cause pain, time consumption, high costs and also carries potential risk of spreading infectious diseases. The main objective of this paper is to argue about the feasibility study and design issues of semi-invasive glucose measurement technique using optical reflectance method. The designing of entire instrument is based on the principle of the time required for the normal blood to clott. This clotting time is measured for the blood samples through optical reflection mode by using optical lens of a DVD writer. The recorded clotting time is calibrated in terms of sugar level present in the blood sample. Hence the instrument presented here will be useful in detecting the blood glucose level in the blood samples in a simple and easy to use method
N.D.Meshram and P. B. Dahikar
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