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Massive Querying For Optimizing Cost – Caching Service in Cloud Data
Mesh Network has the advantages of fast implementation, easy maintenance and low direct investment while comparing with the existing networks. Wireless mesh networks are implemented as wireless anchors, but they are not stabilized. WMN experience frequent link failures caused by channel interference, dynamic obstacles and/or applications bandwidth demands. These failures cause severe performance degradation in WMNs. This paper presents the fast autonomous network reconfiguration system which provides the multi radio Wireless Mesh Networks to recover from link failure automatically to maintain the network performance. Fast autonomous network reconfiguration system gives the necessary changes in local radio and channel allocations to rescue from fails. The cooperative networks reconfigure network protocol for routers. FARS widely used in Wireless Mesh Networks test. The Implementation results Shows Fast Autonomous Network Reconfiguration System failure recovery by more than 97%. Recover Mechanism have been introduced in order to increase the network performance while failure occurs. The infrastructure will be implemented to create disjoint paths in those frameworks.
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