Research Article Open Access
Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of a Hadfield Cast
Iron Subjected to Wear Regimes
In this paper a manganese steel alloy, Hadfield type, manufactured at the Empresa Mecánica del Níquel, was analyzed due to the frequency of breakage, which occurs when placed under erosive media, in an aqueous environment. Three cast samples (one without having worked, in any process, and two that had given up their useful life), of which 3 each were replicated, hardness and optical microscopy tests were carried out, in order to know their microstructural behavior and the presence of hard structures that evidenced the performance of some hardening treatment. The results show that there is no coincidence, in some elements, with the norms established for the alloy, the presence of a matrix with an austenitic-ferritic structure, very soft, with an average hardness that did not exceed HRC 20, was confirmed, elements that constitute the cause of the aforementioned premature breakage of parts made of this material.
Ismel Rodriguez Guilarte, Lianet Rodriguez Guilarte, Felix Reinier Muñoz Dranguet, Isnel Rodriguez Gonzalez, Tomas Fernández Columbié
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