ISSN: 2322-0066

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Research Article Open Access

Mineral composition in leaves of some halophytic species of ?Bhal? region in Gujarat


Gujarat has a long coastline of about 1,600 Km out of approximately 7,500 Km in the country. It has variety of flora and fauna in its biological diversity. Due to industrialization and modernization, the environmental conditions are being disturbed and disrupted. Coastal flora of ?Bhal? region have been studied in this present investigation. ?Bhal? region is a vast region spread in two districts (Bhavnagar and Ahmedabad) of the Gujarat. Leaves of dicots (Suaeda nudiflora, Moq., Prosopis chilensis, Stuntz. and Salvadora persica, Linn) and monocots (Schoenoplectus maritimus, Lye., Sporobolus coromandellianus, Link. and Aeluropus lagopoides, Trin) species which were found to be dominant in this region were analysed for mineral composition. Seasonal variations in mineral constituents was examined in leaves of dicot and monocot species. Statistical analysis was carried out within species and in different seasons.

Suhas Jagdishbhai Vyas and Arvind Jatashankar Joshi

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