ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Mitigating Data Mining Attack in Cloud
Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing resources that is used in excess of the network. As an alternative of maintaining personal data on the own hard drive or updating important applications for user needs, user can use a service over the network, to a different location, to store user information and / or use its applications. This also provides flexibility so it is very useful in a new generation of services and products. One of the main security problems in cloud is data mining based privacy attacks that involve analyzing data over a long period to extract valuable information. It gives the outside attackers and providers having unconstitutional access to the cloud and a prospect of analyze the client information over a extensive period of time to extract the sensitive information that causes privacy violation of clients. This is a big problem in many clients of cloud. In this paper, we identify the data mining based privacy risks on cloud data and propose a distributed architecture to remove the privacy risks.
A.Raja Rajeswari, R.SakkaravarthiTo read the full article Download Full Article | Visit Full Article