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Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) Enables Storage Smartness for Every Smart Mobile Agent
Our everyday life experience shows a phenomenon of large scale usage of applications specifically devised for mobile devices. However the remarkable growth generated by the current lifestyle doesn’t match with a parallel improvement on mobile handset batteries, where there is no improvement in its lifetime at the same pace. Hence there is no sufficient energy to maintain and run the devices, to overcome this obstacle we can offload the most energy-consuming task to nearby fixed servers, popularly feature of cloud computing. The offloading method requires the installation of multiple VMs on demand which results in improvement of efficiency of overall system computation. Hence the process of virtualization was used in MAUI. Mobile assistance using infrastructure (MAUI) makes use of saves information about past offloading methods and uses online profiling to create an energy consumption model. The interaction of mobile agents and radio networking was further narrowed by the study in European paper which enhanced the use of Femtocloud in mobile cloud computing for the development of future mobile generation. i.e TROPIC Thus this need for offloading which related to the approach towards cloud computing brought forward the group computer servers called the cloudlet, and the features of cloud storage found in the divided cells or clouds called as the Femtocells which are stored in the Femtocloud.
Swetha M.S, Muneshwara M.S, Dr. Anil G .N
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