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Mobile Social TV based on Cloud
Today smart phones combines the features of a mobile phone with those of another popular consumer device, such as a personal digital assistant , a media player, a digital camera, and/or a GPS navigation unit. Modern smart phones include all of these features plus the features of a laptop, including web browsing, Wi-Fi, and third party apps and accessories ,multiple microprocessor core and gigabyte RAMs. The most popular smart phones today are powered by Google's Android and Apple's IOS mobile operating systems and the wide deployment of 3G broadband cellular networks. The combination of cloud computing and mobile networks to bring benefits for mobile users, network operators, as well as cloud computing providers The design of mobile social TV system, CloudMoV(Cloud Mobile Social TV), which can effectively utilize the cloud computing to offer a living-room experience of video watching by mobile users with spontaneous social interactions. In cloud mobile social TV, mobile users can import a live or on-demand video to watch from any video streaming site and invite their friends to watch the video concurrently, and chat with their friends while enjoying the video. It therefore blends viewing experience and social awareness among friends on the move.
Rajesh Mallela, K.Rajsekhar Reddy and M.Subba Rao
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