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Research Article Open Access

Model Development Using Soft Computing Techniques to Assess Musculoskeletal Disorders among Workers of Brick Kilns Industry: An Indian Prospective


In this paper study of musculoskeletal disorders of workers in brick kiln industry has been carried out. This study shows the relationship between Occupational Health Hazard (OHH) and Expected Earnings. Four parameters namely rest break (RB), working hours (WH), switching over for alternate job (SOAJ) and working hours between two consecutive breaks (WHBTCB) were considered. In the present study 10 brick kilns industry of medium and small scale were selected in the adjacent areas of Etawah (Uttar Pradesh), India for physiological assessment. The data related to musculoskeletal disorders in different muscles of human body were obtained and is optimized by using artificial neural network (ANN) and genetic algorithm (GA).

Vikash Agarwal, Rajeev Kumar Upadhyay

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