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Research Article Open Access

Modeling and Structural Analysis of Disc Brake


The disc brake is a device used for slowing or stopping the rotation of the vehicle. Number of times using the brake for vehicle leads to heat generation during braking event, such that disc brake undergoes breakage due to high stress. The transient stress and structural analysis is preferred to choose the low stress material for better performance. Disc brake model is done by CATIA and analysis is done by using ANSYS workbench. The main purpose of this project is to study the analysis of the stress for the Aluminium, Grey Cast Iron, HSS M42, and HSS M2. The stress and structural analysis is performed for four materials and the stress is established in the disc for different materials. A comparison between the four materials for the stress values and material properties obtained from the stress analysis and structural analysis low stress material is preferred. Hence best suitable design, low stress material Aluminium is preferred for the Disc Brakes for better performance.

Praveena S, Lava Kumar M, Sreekanth Reddy S

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