ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Modeling the Effect of Internal Convection Currents on Heat Transfer Coefficient of Liquid Foods
The internal convection currents generated during the cooling process affect convective heat transfer coefficient from the surface of the container, these convection currents may increase the effective value of the surface film conductance (h). Therefore, in such situation the Nu-Re correlations, which are generally used to predict h-values, may not yield realistic results. In the present work, this effect has been investigated by using the empirical correlation developed through Temperature-Time measurements at the centre of liquid food containers during cooling .The main concern of the present work is about considering the heat transfer behaviour for liquid foods for which a cylindrical shape container of brass metal have taken, in this work the transient Time-Temperature relation is utilized to calculate the value of convection heat transfer coefficient (h) for each measured temperature at the centre of the cylinder (ro=0). Then after plotting the graph between „h‟ and „T‟ an expression between h and T is obtained, which is fed back in the programme developed with the help of finite difference method by which Time-Temperature variation is obtained. Experimental procedure was used to determine surface film conductance of cylindrical Apple and Orange juice container, calculated temperatures have been compared with the experimental results when the measured surface film conductance were used to solve the transient heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinates. A consistently excellent agreement was observed.
Sajid Ali, Rashid Ali
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