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Research Article Open Access

Modelling and Simulation Of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Fuzzy Controller With Variable Torque


As many electrical drives use the mechanical gear and pulley system to control the speed of the motor shaft which causes greater number of losses and wear and tear losses. So to eliminate these losses we can use the Fuzzy controlling techniques. In this paper work controlling of permanent magnet synchronous motor is done using fuzzy controlling technique utilising Voltage control mechanism while there is a change in the torque. The low speed constant AC drives are used for Industrial purposes. The best motor for Industries is Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor as it works in low speed, compact and reduced weight. Our mechanism uses Fuzzy controlling techniques for maintaining constant speed of motor while varying torque of the motor. Today low speed constant AC drive in Industries are utilised greatly. The proposed circuit can be utilised for Low speed constant AC drive in Industrial applications. This project would help in making a compact and efficient controlling technique used in Permanent magnet synchronous motor.

Manish Soni

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