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Research Article Open Access

Modelling & Simulation of Photovoltaic System to Optimize the Power Output Using DC-DC Converter


The recent upsurge in the demand of PV systems is due to the fact that they produce electric power without hampering the environment by directly converting the solar radiation into electric power. However the solar radiation never remains constant. It keeps on varying throughout the day. The need of the hour is to deliver a constant voltage to the grid irrespective of the variation in temperatures and solar insolation. In this paper I have designed a circuit such that it delivers constant and stepped up dc voltage to the load. I have studied the open loop characteristics of the PV array with variation in temperature and irradiation levels. Then coupled the PV array with the buck boost converter in such a way that with variation in load, the varying input current and voltage to the converter follows the open circuit characteristic of the PV array closely. At various insolation levels, the load is varied and the corresponding variation in the input voltage and current to the boost converter is noted. It is noted that the changing input voltage and current follows the open circuit characteristics of the PV array closely.

Shiba Arora, Pankaj sharma

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