ISSN: E 2347-226X, P 2319-9857
Modern Agricultural Systems-A Review
Current rural frameworks have been produced with two related goals to get the most noteworthy yields conceivable and to get the most elevated financial benefit conceivable. Traditional system is, they utilize the area, rainfall, seeds, culturing strategies and force sources they need to create what nature offers. Routine procedures are utilized to till the area, select and plant seeds, shield plants from contending plants and creatures and accumulate the harvest in modern agricultural rural frameworks ranchers trust they have substantially more focal parts and are willing to apply innovation and data to control most segments of the framework, an altogether different perspective from that of conventional ranchers. As a rule, shoppers trust sustenance makers to keep the nourishment supply safe, and they're more worried about nourishment sullying than about innovation utilized on the ranch.
Nagaiah V
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