ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Modified Scaling-Free Micro-Rotation Based Circular CORDIC Algorithm Using Taylor Series Expansion of Sine and Cosine
This paper Proposes the Scaling-free Micro-rotation based CORDIC algorithm that completely eliminates the scale factormultiplication. By employing the Taylor series expansion of sine and cosine in circular trajectory, the proposed method removes the multiplication of the scale factor. The accuracy of the result is based on the selection of the order of approximation of Taylor series, proposed method takes third order approximation which meets the accuracy requirement and attains the desired range of convergence. Also we have suggested an algorithm that redefine the elementary angles with high speed most significant-1 detection for reducing the number of CORDIC iterations. Compared to conventional CORDIC algorithm the proposed algorithm has less time delay and utilizes less number of slices on the Xilinx Vertex XC4VFX12 device
Arunnehru S, Paramasivam CTo read the full article Download Full Article