ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Moving Object Detection and Tracking Using Hybrid Approach in Real Time to Improve Accuracy
Real time motion detection has very wide application in human motion recognition or vehicle motion recognition. Patient monitoring, human–computer interaction are the recent applications of the human motion recognition, and is recent application of vehicle motion recognition are vehicle counting and very helpful in traffic control by detecting vehicle as per size, color, speed. In video surveillance real time motion recognition is very difficult so I want to work on real time motion recognition. Based on above discussion in my research work I have decided to develop intelligent framework for Real time motion detection or recognition for appropriate thing or object. Still real time image based or video based motion detection are hidden area so I want to carry out my work on real time video based detect behaviour of human as per movement of object or vehicle detection in sense of hybrid. It will prove very helpful for public safety
DharaTrambadia, ChintanVarnagar, PrajeshKathiriya
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