ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Moving VANET to Vehicular Cloud
This conceptual paper seeks to put forth a novel vision, namely that advances in vehicular networks, embedded devices, and cloud computing can be used to set up what are known as vehicular clouds (VCs). The radioequipped vehicles could keep the driversinformed about potential safety risks and increase their awareness of roadconditions. The view then expanded to include access to the Internet andassociated services. This position paper proposes and promotes a novel and morecomprehensive vision namely, that advances in vehicular networks, embeddeddevices, and cloud computing will enable the formation of autonomous clouds ofvehicular computing, communication, sensing, power and physical resources.A key features distinguishing VCs from conventional cloud computing is that mobile VCresources can be pooled dynamically to serve authorized users and to enableautonomy in realtime service sharing and management on terrestrial, aerial, oraquatic pathways or theatres of operations.
JyotiMetan, Dr.K N Narasimha Murthy, Jithrendra H N
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