ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Multi Image Super Resolution and Blind Deconvolution
A unified blind method for multi-image super-resolution (MISR or SR),single-image blur deconvolution (SIBD), and multi-image blur deconvolution (MIBD) of low-resolution (LR) images degraded by linear space-invariant (LSI) blur, aliasing, and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The better performance blur estimation is done in filter domain rather than pixel domain using gradients of LR and HR images. The Regularization term for blur is Gaussian allowed for fast non iterative optimization in frequency domain. It increases, processing time of SR reconstruction by separating up sampling and registration processes from optimization procedure. The proposed system presented a joint image registration and restoration scheme for both super-resolution and low resolution states of noise, blur, and rough translation motion. To handle global translational motion among low resolution frames. Space-invariant blur, additive white noise and common integer decimation.
Lincy Annet Abraham, R.Manimekala
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