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Special Issue Article Open Access

Multi Organization Records Sharing in Cloud Computing Using Attribute Based Encryption


Cloud computing has emerged as one of the most influential paradigms in the IT industry in recent years. Since this new computing technology requires users to entrust their valuable data to cloud providers, there have been increasing security and privacy concerns on outsourced data. Several schemes are used to control access from untrusted users or servers to protect single users or combinations of multi users called organization resources. But, in internal organization for all user levels have same and single access control method maintained by cloud providers and didn’t have data confidentiality between user levels (fine grained access problem). This method used to access only the single dataset or local dataset from the cloud computer. In proposed, to achieve fine-grained and scalable data access control, using attribute-based encryption (ABE) techniques to encrypt each file and greatly reduces the key management complexity for owners and users. Also, focus on the multiple data owner scenario for data sharing between multi organizations using the advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm and enables the global dataset sharing. Using global Resource Description Framework (RDF) analyze its performance, security and computational complexity.

ME, Department of CSE, SSM College of Engineering, Komarapalayam, Tamil Nadu, India

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