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Multidimentional Motion Control of Robotic Arm
Multidimensional motion control of robotic arm mainly use in industry and non-industry purpose. It helps to reduce the human work and increase the precision in work. Robotic arm provide similar function as human arm depending upon the degree of freedom it can offer. Motion control system of robotic arm needs several functions in order to perform the complex tasks required for industrial robots. These function include inverse kinematics, control signal generation and speed control. Degree of freedom get using inverse kinematics method, using this method complex computation of angle calculate. Most important part is controlling of robotic arm. Spartan-III FPGA is used for control the motion of robotic arm with the help of PWM signal. For different type of movement at different angle FPGA will control the motor through driver circuit, FPGA will generate PWM signals to guide the motor and accordingly different movements can be set.
Vansjaliya Kinjal, Prof. Tarun R. Dholariya, Dr. Charmy Patel
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