ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
Multimachine Power System Transient Stability Enhancement with Distributed Static Series Compensator (DSSC)
AC transmission system is major part which links the generation and distribution.The transmission system is subjected to stability problems,which occurs due to abnormal conditions like faults,over voltages.These limit the transmission capability.Power systems often suffer from weakly damped swings between synchronous generators. The main objective of this paper is to enhance the transient stability of the power system with the use of distributed static series compensator (DSSC). A detailed simulation model of the DSSC has been presented. DSSC has a function like static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) but is in smaller size and lower price along with more other capabilities. DSSC is clamped over various sections in the transmission line in a distributed fashion. A case study comprising two-machine power system has been presented through the extensive time domain simulations. In the sequel, the DSSC has been incorporated in the studied system in different cases. Simulation results approve the DSSC ability for increasing transient stability margin of the power system.
S.Noor Mohammad , N. Narasimhulu , K. M.Siva Sankara Reddy
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