ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Musical Notes Separation Using Non- Negativity Approach
The structured arrangement of sounds in musical notes, results in the unique formation of complex Musical mixtures. The analysis of these mixtures, with the objective of estimating the individual Musical Notes which form them, is known as musical notes separation. The Musical Notes are nothing but the paper representation of music. It is possible to hear music but music cannot be written on paper, so to represent music on paper there is concept of musical Notes. The main objective is to separate musical notes of Musical instruments by using Non-Negativity approach. For example, if input is mixture of musical notes containing music notes of Guitar, drum and Bass along with singing voice. Then, the objective is to design a system to separate musical notes the sources i.e. musical notes of Guitar, Bass, drum and Singing voice alone. It has applications in Music remixing, audio restoration, Lyrics Recognition.
Jaywant Vilasrao Patil, Zakir Mujeeb Shaikh
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