ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Natural control of the mosquito population via Odonataand Toxorhynchites
The main impact of mosquito pests is the transmission of many dangerous diseases and death. Hence, the reduction of their population by the use of a natural control method is a primary objective of this research. This mosquito reduction method utilises different species of predators (Odonata) and (Toxorhynchites) to substantially improve the environment. The frequency of capturing the pest mosquitoes by the predators is determined using a Pascal distribution, whilst insect mortality is modelled using a Weibull distribution. The results from the model show that by using insect predators, a significant reduction of the mosquito population is possible in less than eighty days.
F. O. Faithpraise, J.Idung, B. Usibe,, C. R. Chatwin, R.Young, P.Birch
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