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Research Article Open Access

New EaaS Cloud Service Model Implementation for Smart Education


Cloud computing is not a new technology but is to construct computing environment like a big cloud by mixing the virtualization technology for existing grid computing, distributed computing, utility computing, web service, server and storage with the existing base technologies such as open source software. These cloud computing technologies are mostly being studied to be utilized in reducing corporate costs. This study was made on cloud that is practical and available in the field of education, contrary to previous corporate efficiency studies. The smart education promotion strategy of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in 2011, a huge cost was funded for the program to construct smart education system in all of domestic elementary, middle, and high schools by 2015. However, several problems have been found in the actual research model schools, which was an obstacle to the promotion of smart education. Among those problems, it was frequently pointed out that there was difficulty in smart device uses and that there was difficulty in teaching the classroom itself when a student had system problem during smart education. Also, in the aspect of contents use by students, various kinds of contents shall be provided, and standardized environment shall be offered for online-based student rating system in the smart era. As an education system model to solve those problems of smart education, a new cloud service, EaaS service model, is presented in this study.

Dr.JaeChul Oh, HoJun Kim,Dr.Hyun Sim

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