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Research Article Open Access

Nonaggressive Central Giant Cell Granuloma: A Case Report.


Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) is a benign intraosseous lesion that occurs in long bones. It is an uncommon tumor in jaws, its etiology and pathogenesis is unknown. It affects females more often than males, in a 2:1 ratio and is seen most frequently under the age of 30 years. CGCGs can be aggressive or non-aggressive. The reported case is non-aggressive central giant cell granuloma of posterior mandible. The affected patient was a 25 year old Iraqi male who reported to us with recurrent pericoronitis in relation to lower left third molar. The low incidence of the lesion in Arab countries makes it a rare case report.

Prathibha Prasad, and Sura Ali Bayati

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