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Non-Invasive EEG Based Wireless Brain Computer Interface for Safety Applications Using Embedded Systems
Frequent accidents are commonly hitting the headlines nowadays due to the moment that the driver is careless. Mostly the accidents are common during night time due to the drowsiness of the driver. Adopting this as a major issue the evaluation of Brain Computer Interface technology leads to develop a drowsiness detecting system based on EEG signals. The main objective of this project is to develop a real-time, nonintrusive, and accurate drowsiness detection based on physiological signal detection technique. The proposed system consists of a wireless physiological signal-acquisition module and an embedded signal-processing module. The signal-acquisition module acquires the EEG signal through electrodes placed on the scalp of the human head. This acquired signal is amplified and filtered. The Median filter is used and for classification the k means clustering is used. For feature extraction the Auto Regression method is used. By using the processor the decision making will be done. The warning tone will be produced while the drowsiness state occurs.
Uma.K.J, Mr. C. Santha Kumar
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