ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Novel Wide Band and High Gain Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Utilizing 2x1 Array
The paper shows a new active designing of microstrip patch antenna intended for improvement of gain performance and radiation pattern of antenna. Here the design and analysis of 2x1 array microstrip patch antenna is initiated with center frequency of 3.5 GHz and dielectric constant of 2.2 mm relating to IEEE 802.11 utilized for wireless communication. With the recommended antenna, the antenna radiation pattern with its gain increases approximately about 1.5 times that of an antenna without reactive loading. This suggested antenna fundamentally enhances the gain, high directional beam and also to counteract the consequences of fading when signal propagates through several corrupted environments. Details of the simulation effects are discussed and accordingly optimized in accordance with array elements so that we can achieve a suitable amount of gain.
Siddhartha Pal, Kousik Roy1, Atanu Nag, Adarsh Kumar Tiwary