ISSN: 2319-9865
Obesity Epidemic: Genes, Sedentary Life Style or Over Nutrition to Blame?
The proximate cause of obesity is an imbalance in the energy input and energy expenditure. It was believed that the sedentary life style of Western Societies which resulted in grossly reduced energy expenditure was the main cause of the imbalance. Studies carried out in recent years have challenged this belief, and have shown that the energy expenditure even in a sedentary life style is not grossly reduced. Although obesity has a genetic basis, it cannot be attributed to a signal gene or even to a few genes. Even though fat storage has an advantage in the animal kingdom, it appears to pose a greater risk for many metabolic diseases in humans. Epigenetic effects particularly fetal and infant nutrition also play a significant role in adult obesity. Over nutrition appears to be the major cause for the current epidemic of obesity. Fast food and soft drinks, coupled with aggressive marketing by food marketers have contributed to over eating. Consequently the energy balance is tilted in favor of excess energy storage.
Shirin Tarbiat and Cletus JM D‟souza
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