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Research Article Open Access

Obstacle Avoidance Using Stereo Vision: A Survey


Stereoscopy is a technique used for recording and representing stereoscopic (3D) images. It can create an illusion of depth using two pictures taken at two or more slightly different positions. There are two possible way of taking stereoscopic pictures by using special two-lens stereo cameras or systems with two single-lens cameras joined together. Stereoscopic pictures allow us to calculate the distance from the camera(s) to the chosen object within the picture. One of the most important features for any intelligent ground vehicle is based on how is reliable and complete the perception of the environment and the capability to discriminate what an obstacle is. Stereovision system used to detect the distance from the obstacle by disparity of images. Stereo vision system provides pair of stereo images to determine distance after the detecting the object and measure distance from it and avoid the object. Avoidance done by any of the controlling device when getting the detection decision form stereo system.

Pritesh S. Sharma, Dr. Nehal G. Chitaliya

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