Occurrences and Cardiovascular Diseases of Pre-Hospital Care Service
Objective: To describe the occurrences and cardiovascular problems of a Mobile Emergency Care Service.
Methods: Retrospective, quantitative study carried out at the Emergency and Emergency Medical Regulation Centre of SAMU, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil, in August and September 2019. Data from a secondary source, the Individual Medical Regulation Form, was used. Study approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), number 3.354,698.
Results: We identified 145 occurrences or phone calls that generated 142 (97.9%) calls. Females (51.4%), elderly (69.7%), mean age 76, patients with systemic arterial hypertension (57.8%) and diabetes mellitus 20 (13.6%) prevailed. The largest number of consultations occurred in the health district of Cohab (17.6) followed by Tirirical (16.2%). The most frequent complaints were chest pain (21.9%), malaise (21.3%) and dyspnoea (16.9%).
Conclusions: The visits were more prevalent in females, elderly, hypertensive, with complaints of chest pain and occurred in the health district of Cohab.
Líscia Divana Carvalho Silva1*, Nerilce Soares Ferreira2, Joseildes Castelo Branco Souza2, Letícia de Paula Carvalho Silva1, Natália Carvalho Fonsêca1, João Vitor Lobo Nascimento2, Paula Fernanda Gomes Privado2, Anna Carolina Souza Silva Santos2, Fernanda Liene Cavalcante da Cruz2, Tamara Rubia Cavalcante Guimaraes Coutinho2, Francisca Jessyane dos S. Sá Castelo Branco2, Monique de Alencar Lucena2, Silvana Mendes Costa2, Andrea Carolina Ramos Gonçalves2, Édipo Luan de Carvalho Caminha2*
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