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OCR based automatic book reader for the visually impaired using Raspberry PI
Optical character recognition (OCR) is the identification of printed characters using photoelectric devices and computer software. It coverts images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine encoded text from scanned document or from subtitle text superimposed on an image. In this research these images are converted into audio output. OCR is used in machine process such as cognitive computing, machine translation, text to speech ,key data and text mining. It is mainly used in the field of research in Character recognition , Artificial intelligence and computer vision .In this research , as the recognition process is done using OCR the character code in text files are processed using Raspberry Pi device on which it recognizes character using tesseract algorithm and python programming and audio output is listened. To use OCR for pattern recognition to perform Document image analysis (DIA) we use information in grid format in virtual digital library’s design and construction. This research mainly focuses on the OCR based automatic book reader for the visually impaired using Raspberry PI. Raspberry PI features a Broadcom system on a chip (SOC) which includes ARM compatible CPU and an on chip graphics processing unit GPU. It promotes Python programming as main programming language with support for BBC BASIC