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Research Article Open Access

On-line Interactive Data Acquisition and Control System for Embedded Real Time Applications


This paper is about the application of data acquisition systems in industrial requirements for real time execution of events with industrial process control and automation. The main core of the system is an embedded hardware running a scaled-down version of Linux: a popular choice of operating system for embedded applications. On -line embedded web server is a challenging part of many embedded and real time data acquisition and control system applications. The World Wide Web is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billion of users worldwide and allows the user to interface many real time embedded applications like data acquisition, Industrial automations and safety measures etc., In this project we approached towards the design and development of on-line Interactive Data Acquisition and Control System (IDACS) using ARM based embedded web server. It can be a network, intelligent and digital distributed control system. Single chip IDACS method improves the processing capability of a system and overcomes the problem of poor real time and reliability. This system uses ARM9 Processor portability with Linux operating system it makes the system which handling various processes based on multi tasking and reliable scheduling mechanisms. A novel approach is introduced to minimize the operational costs while operating with a large amount of data. The system is demonstrated to be suitable for different embedded applications by attaching several real-time modules through appropriate interfaces. The embedded web server technology is the combination of embedded device and Internet technology, through this embedded web server user can access their equipments remotely. The equipment mentioned here could be home appliances and factory devices. This paper is focused on realization of TCP/IP suite and user development platform for this embedded web server. The embedded web server design includes a complete web server with TCP/IP support and Ethernet interface. Web pages are written by Hyper text markup language (HTML).

Priyanka Patil, Dr. Virendra V. Shete, Pranali Awate