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Review Article Open Access

Online Pharmacy: A Breakthrough Venture


An online pharmacy which is also known as internet pharmacy, e-pharmacy is internet-based vendor that sells medicines. The term named as online pharmacies and online sale of medicines has been in vogue worldwide for last two decades due to its convenience. The Indian Pharmaceutical Council described online pharmacies as the registered pharmacy which deals with selling and supply of medicine and they also provide other healthcare services over the internet. The indian healthcare market which is growing at very good pace and currently both online and offline pharmacies are doing great business. However, online pharmacies offer better pricing than offline stores with increased access, lower transaction and product cost and most importantly convenience for consumers. They provide accessibility to people having limited mobility and people in remote areas. The prime objective to provide medi-alerts (personalised medicine reminder service), discounts, quick home delivery and validation of prescription through licensed pharmacists which gives information about substitutes and adverse effect about the drug. Most of these online stores can also provide medication without any prescription or any physical diagnosis by physician. In the age of internet, the amount of information for everything is so easily available, by this consumer or a patient can have access to huge and accurate information about a drug or medicine. However, india is still struggling when it comes to make policies for online pharmacy stores, moreover there are no fixed policies for these online pharmacy stores. On the other hand, Indian government can work on ground level, where at first, they can adapt some rock-hard policies and laws which can help to regulate these online pharmacy stores in a modulated way.

Pooja Gupta, Sushil Raghunath Mokashi

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