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Optimization based on PSO-ANFIS in Water bath Temperature System
The scope of the project is to control the temperature of the water bath system to reduce the sum of absolute error to adequate level for improved performance with minimal noise. The absolute error can be minimized by optimizing the set point regulation, tracking performance, unknown impulse noise and large parameter variation of the water bath system. Here a new optimization technique is proposed using the PSO-ANFIS. The ANFIS algorithm utilizes to predict the temperature with various sampling steps and Particle swarm optimization (PSO) for finding optimum solution of sum of absolute error. To find the optimal results, the generated values are applied to PSO technique. Entire process of proposed technique is carried in simulation model, with the aid of working platform MATLAB. This project presents the comparison of three intelligent techniques ANFIS, GA-ANFIS and PSO-ANFIS used for temperature control of water bath system.
K.S.Naveenkumar, Dr.S.Visalakshi
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