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Research Article Open Access

Optimization of Surface Finish and Material Removal Rate with Different Insert Nose Radius for Turning Operation on CNC Turning Center


In this research work the effect of insert nose radius and machining parameters including cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut on surface roughness and material removal rate (MRR) in a turning operation are investigated by using the Taguchi optimization method. A three level four parameter design of experiment, the signalto- noise (S/N) ratio are employed to the study the performance characteristics in the turning of Aluminium Alloy 6061 using nose radius of 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 mm carbide inserts on CNC turning centre. The conclusions revealed that the feed rate and nose radius were the most influential factors on the surface roughness and Material Removal Rate (MRR) in CNC turning process is greatly influenced by depth of cut followed by cutting speed. For simultaneous optimization of Surface roughness (Ra) and material removal rate (MRR) depth of cut is the most significant parameter affecting the performance followed by the nose radius.

Rishu Gupta, Ashutosh Diwedi

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